**Previous Episode: [[BDE305]]** **Next Episode: [[BDE307]]** %%Post image thumbnail below.%% ![wmed center](https://i.postimg.cc/cHBLyXmD/BDE-Capture-19.png) > [!abstract|no-i] **Episode Overview** > - **Date Aired:** [[03-28-2024]] > - **Title:** Interesting Title > - **Episode:** 306 > - **Description:** The creativity well has run dry. > - **Link:** https://rumble.com/v4m5z6c-big-dig-energy-306-interesting-title.html %%<https://historydraft.com/happened/what-happened/1-January/world>%% ## Replay %% Get embed URL then highlight and hit ALT + I%% <iframe src="https://rumble.com/embed/v4jkr90/?pub=6eeyh" allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" style="height:100%;width:100%; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; "></iframe> <br> ## Greetings & Announcements 1. Shaya school [supply list](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/22OAO868ECCDV?ref_=wl_share)! ## Segments ### The Most Based Tweet I've Ever Seen ![](https://twitter.com/Kunluntalk/status/1773486728214696193) ![](https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1773448400777691374) > The heavy signal of Obama's Mandela experiment in the United States: The mayor of Baltimore has issued the most direct threat to the lifestyle of white Americans. In my previous long article, I concluded that the Mandela experiment promoted by Obama in the United States is essentially to seize power politically, divide up property economically, and ideologically deny the history of white Americans, and implant the foundational role of black people in American history. Obama's theoretical weapon for implementing the Mandela experiment in the United States is first to use white supremacy to criminalize white people, devalue white self-esteem, belittle white personality, and implant white people's sense of guilt and remorse for black people. > > The consequence of criminalizing white people is that white people begin to doubt American history and deny their role in the course of American history, thus clearing the way for the advancement of the second theoretical weapon. > > Second, critical race theory. This is a more ambitious social theory that includes white supremacy and goes a step further, requiring institutional compensation for blacks and people of color, and making up for the historical debts owed to blacks and other people of color in the United States by exceeding standards. This is the theoretical source of all the resources and standards in American society today, which give the green light to blacks. > > Top universities give a certain percentage of blacks admissions. Obama and Michelle's admission to Harvard is the product of this theory. Corporate management promotions give preference to blacks in proportion, and airlines recruit blacks in proportion. The city of Los Angeles, California, has set up a special project team to study how to provide cash compensation to blacks in California. > > My conclusions and analysis above have received the most direct and powerful support from reality today. The 40-year-old mayor of Baltimore, where a freighter hit the bridge the day before yesterday, Scott, directly pointed out in a TV interview that the white lifestyle, that is, living comfortably while others suffer, will be at risk, and they should be afraid because this is my life goal. > > His speech clearly revealed two signals. First, the favorable living conditions enjoyed by white people in history and now must be changed. This is a direct threat to the current lifestyle of white Americans. The superiority of white people in history cannot be changed. How can it be changed? The answer is to compensate black people. How can the favorable living conditions today be changed? The answer is that the key resources of the United States begin to tilt towards black people. > > Second, Scott was interviewed in his capacity as mayor and bluntly threatened white Americans. This is racist intimidation and must be part of an organized and premeditated systematic project, which was publicly expressed today through this ship collision incident. > > We can reasonably guess that what Scott represents is not himself, but a project, an organization, an action, and a plan. > > Key conclusions: The target of critical racism theory: the US regime, the method: seizing power through elections, the path: the evolution of population proportions, and the result: the South Africanization of the United States. > > Essence: Critical racism theory is the struggle over political power disguised as race. > > When blacks gain power, the racial struggle will inevitably evolve into a class struggle. ![](https://twitter.com/Kunluntalk/status/1771725728054464572) > Obama's Mandela Experiment on America: Today's America is a war between these four people. Obama started the division of the United States by conducting the Mandela experiment on the United States, dividing the United States into black America, white America, and other people of color's America based on skin color and race. Use white supremacy to put the shackles of original sin on white Americans, dwarf their moral sense, attack their self-esteem, and force white people to repent and atone for their sins. Use critical race theory to balance social development standards through racial characteristics, and forcibly allocate personnel according to racial proportions in universities, companies, and social organizations. > > After eight years of Obama's policy advancement at the federal level, today's United States has officially fallen into a social crisis transitioning from racial confrontation to class struggle. Critical race theory has officially settled in universities, governments, and advanced to the military. The BLM movement is the criminalization of white supremacy. It is the pinnacle of the development of critical race theory. The police force, security force, and public opinion force in the United States have completely surrendered and let it go. BLM creates chaos and plunders wealth. > > The popular and ideological ground for Trump's emergence in 2016 was the resistance of American conservative forces and ordinary people to Obama's doctrine, from MAGA, trade wars, building walls, tax cuts, the return of manufacturing, withdrawing from climate agreements, and cracking down on illegal immigration., raising immigration thresholds… are all counterattacks against Obama's Mandela experiment, and have achieved remarkable results, severely weakening the power of the Washington establishment and the interests of globalists. > > In the 2020 election, the Washington establishment did not hesitate to destroy the sanctity of American elections and engage in collective fraud in swing states to oust Trump. Biden and Harris took the stage on behalf of the Obama establishment. Biden fully complied with Obama's will, inherited Obama's legacy, and started Obama's career. 2.0 political era. > > Obama's Mandela social experiment has been extended to a wider field. Harvard and other universities have allocated admissions based on race, airlines have recruited based on skin color, and companies have promoted based on race. Illegal immigrants have poured in across the board, and people of color have committed crimes and are not guilty of misdemeanors. Criminalize, turn felonies into misdemeanors, and white people will be punished accordingly. > > The entire American society has begun to lose order and the law has begun to distort. LAW&ORDER, as the core value of American society, has been completely deconstructed. Chicago was the first to complete the Mandela experiment, New York City is in the process of blackening, and California's politics is completely a socialist experiment. > > History has once again come to a crossroads. The establishment has set up numerous obstacles on Trump's path to the White House for the second time in an attempt to prevent Trump from rising again and carry out Obama's Mandela black social governance experiment to the end. > > Mandela realized that South Africa has been completely transformed. If it succeeds in the United States, the United States will be the second South Africa… ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/N0YqXTmT/BDE-Capture-19.png) > The 45 goals of communism have been implemented in the United States for nearly a century! > > The purpose of large-scale illegal immigration is to replace ethnic groups and gain a permanent majority in Congress. To provide benefits to illegal immigrants on a large scale is to increase government spending, increase taxes and deficits, increase prices, and hollow out the middle class. ![](https://twitter.com/GWGGTZT2/status/1773489566726734286) > 45 Goals of the Global Communist Party > > This is Democratic Representative Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr., speaking on the House floor on January 10, 1963. > Mr. Speaker: > Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Florida, was an ardent and articulate opponent of communism and until recently published the De Land Courier)" to remind the public to be wary of the dangers of communism in the United States. > At the request of Mrs. Nordmann, and by unanimous consent, I place on record the following "Current Objectives of Communism" from The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen 》Excerpts. > > 45 goals of current communists: > 1. The United States accepts coexistence as the only way to avoid nuclear war. > 2. The United States would rather surrender than launch a nuclear war. > 3. Create the illusion that comprehensive disarmament by the United States will be a manifestation of its moral power. > 4. Allow free trade among all countries, regardless of whether the countries participating in the trade are affiliated with the Communist Party or not, and regardless of whether the goods may be used in war. > 5. Extend long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellite states. > 6. The United States provides aid to all countries, even those ruled by communists. > 7. Recognize Red China. Accept Red China into the United Nations. > 8. Although Khrushchev had promised in 1955 to solve the German problem through free elections under the supervision of the United Nations, he still established East Germany and West Germany as independent countries. > 9. Extend the meeting to ban atomic testing because the United States has agreed to a moratorium on testing as long as negotiations are ongoing. > 10. Allow all Soviet satellite states to have separate representation in the United Nations. > 11. Promoting the United Nations is the only hope for mankind. A rewrite of its charter would require it to be established as a world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believed that the world could be taken over by the United Nations just as easily as Moscow. Sometimes the two centers competed with each other, as in Congo today). > 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. > 13. Take all loyalty oaths. > 14. Continue to allow Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. > 15. Capture one, or both, of America's political parties. > 16. Use the court's technical rulings to weaken the basic institutions of the United States, claiming that its activities violate civil rights. > 17. Take control of the school. Use them as a sounding board for socialist and current communist propaganda. Weaken the entire curriculum. Control Teachers Association. Write the party's line (or program) into textbooks. > 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. > 19. Use student riots to incite public protests against projects or organizations that are under attack by the Communist Party. > 20. Infiltrate the press. Gain control of book review assignments, editorial writing, and policy-making positions. > 21. Control key locations in radio, television and film. > 22. Continue to denigrate American culture by disparaging all forms of artistic expression. Tell a CPUSA group: "Remove all good sculptures from parks and buildings and replace them with formless, clumsy, meaningless things." > 23. Control art critics and museum directors. "Our plan is to promote ugly, disgusting, meaningless art." > 24. Eliminate all obscenity laws, calling them "censorship" is an infringement of free speech and freedom of the press. > 25. Shatter cultural and moral standards by promoting pornographic and obscene content in books, magazines, movies, radio and television. > 26. Present homosexuality, perversion, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy." > 27. Infiltrate the church and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Denigrate the Bible and emphasize that intellectual maturity does not require a "religious crutch." > 28. Prayer, or any stage of religious expression, is prohibited in schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." (Remember these goals were published in 1958) Coincidence? > 29. Denigrate the U.S. Constitution, saying that it is imperfect, old-fashioned, does not meet modern needs, and hinders cooperation among countries around the world. > 30. Defame the Founding Fathers of the United States. Present them as selfish aristocrats who don't care about "ordinary people." > 31. Demeaning all forms of American culture and discouraging the teaching of American history on the grounds that it is only a minor part of the "bigger picture." More emphasis is placed on Russian history since the Communist Party came to power. > 32. Support any socialist movement that seeks to centralize control of any part of culture - education, social institutions, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. > 33. Eliminate all laws and procedures that interfere with the functioning of the communist machine. > 34. Eliminate the House Un-American Activities Committee. > 35. Discredit and ultimately dismantle the FBI. > 36. Infiltrate and control more unions. > 37. Infiltrate and gain control of large corporations. > 38. Transfer some arrest powers from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric treatments that no one can understand (or treat) except a psychiatrist. > 39. Those who dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means to coerce opposition to communist goals. > 40. Defame the family structure and encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. > 41. Emphasis on educating children to stay away from the negative influence of their parents. Blaming prejudice, mentally retarded and imbecile children on the repressive influence of their parents. > 42. To create the impression that violence and riots are legitimate aspects of American tradition; students and special interest groups should rise up and use "the power of unity" to solve economic, political or social problems. > 43. Overthrow all colonial governments until Aboriginal people are ready for self-government. > 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. > 45. The abolition of the Connally Reservation makes it impossible for the United States to prevent international courts from exercising jurisdiction over domestic issues. Grants the International Court of Justice jurisdiction over states and individuals. > > The above goals are from the shallower to the deeper, from the outside to the inside, step by step, step by step, in the form of boiling a frog in warm water to slowly make the American people stay away from Christian conservative values, pursue physical lust, be hostile to the American social system, and relax. Be wary of communism, then accept communist ideas, and be willing to realize global communism in the United States. [PDF Link](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1963-pt22/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1963-pt22-1.pdf) — A34 ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/c1DFMYyY/BDE-Capture-19.png) %%Footer Starts Here%% --- <center><img src="https://archive.is/do5ay/df25cfff93575f174c387ac9f4c64744da0fadb9.png" alt="Keep digging!" height="100px"></center> --- ## Tags ### Linked Pages & Footnotes