| Previous Episode | Next Episode | | :---: | :---: | | [[BDE279]] | [[BDE281]] | ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/jScT3XPC/BDE-Capture-11.png) %%Post image thumbnail below.%% > [!info|flex bg-c-gray] Episode Overview > > - **Date Aired:** [[01-16-2024]] > - **Title:** Snow Day Shenanigans > - **Episode:** 280 > - **Description:** Digging into the not-so-secret cabal of people who are (yet again) looking to fortify the 2024 election. Plus day 1 and 2 of #Davos2024. > - **Link:** https://rumble.com/v47fxzw-big-dig-energy-280-snow-day-shenanigans.html %%<https://historydraft.com/happened/what-happened/1-January/world>%% ## Replay %% Get embed URL then highlight and hit ALT + I%% <iframe src="https://rumble.com/embed/v44umb5/?pub=6eeyh" allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" style="height:100%;width:100%; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; "></iframe> <br> ## Greetings & Announcements 1. I'll be on Simpcast on January 21st. 2. I am still having ongoing issues with my GPU. I ordered a new one, which will be here tomorrow (barring a delay due to the weather). We had to cut Saturday night's show a little short when my PC started getting wonky, so if that happens again, I'm sorry. (**And a profound thank you to all of you who donate. You literally keep the show running, and I appreciate it more than you know. <3**) > [!info|no-icon flex bg-c-gray]- Tracking Details <br> <sub>**Click to Expand ➜**</sub> > ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/449f5pdR/BDE-Capture-11.png) ## Segments ![wmed|center](https://i.postimg.cc/CxWcpZDD/BDE-Capture-11.png) ### The Fixers > [!quote|mark] [[Glenn Greenwald]] <br> [Archive](https://archive.is/20240116100731/https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1747110442961609137) > <p style="font-size:125%"><font color="#ffffff"> The massive and historic size of Trump's victory should lead to some self-reflection about what caused the complete collapse of faith in the legitimacy of US institutions of authority and justice, whereby voters so easily disregard 4 felony cases as irrelevant if not an asset. </font></p> ![](https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1747110442961609137) #### Mainstream Media Narratives - **[[01-14-2024]]:** **A network of public interest groups and lawmakers, nervous about former President Trump’s potential return to power, is quietly devising plans to foil any effort on his part to pressure the U.S. military to carry out his political agenda.** - Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs. - “We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law. - Other participants include Democracy Forward, an organization that took the Trump administration to court more than 100 times during his administration, and **[[Protect Democracy]] **, an anti-authoritarian group. - [Democracy Forward Form 990](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/821007988) - [Protect Democracy Form 990](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/814777062) — [[Ian Bassin]] got a $100k payraise. - “We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward. “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part.” ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/0jwG8vSQ/BDE-Capture-11.png) - **[[01-15-2024]]:** **Almost two-thirds of Canadians say US democracy can’t survive another Trump term.** ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/c4cgf6dW/BDE-Capture-11.png) - **[[01-16-2024]]:** **Return of Trump to Power Would Be Difficult for Canada, Trudeau Says** ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/T1bRQ7zF/BDE-Capture-11.png) #### After Iowa Caucus > [!quote|mark] [[Rachel Maddow]] <br> [[MSNBC]] > <p style="font-size:125%"><font color="#ffffff"> I don't mean to be again, too dark as you said on this, but if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about the potential rise of fascism in this country. </font></p> > > <p style="font-size:125%"><font color="#ffffff"> If we're worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government. The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation… Is a much bigger part of that equation. </font></p> ![](https://twitter.com/CollinRugg/status/1747085612799471677) ### Irregularities "CBS News reports Johnson County Iowa Caucus precinct “ran out” of party-switch forms after Democrats overwhelmed precinct to vote as “Republicans” for Nikki Haley, causing Haley to win by ONE vote." ![](https://twitter.com/officer_Lew/status/1747369774193979419) --- ### NBC Article = Red Flag [Thread](https://twitter.com/SomeBitchIIKnow/status/1746872890333474902) ![](https://twitter.com/SomeBitchIIKnow/status/1746872890333474902) #### Transition Integrity Project [Link](https://legacy.graphcommons.com/graphs/31c3212a-c2d4-4b46-bc6b-86069697f158) ![center](https://i.postimg.cc/1X4qDmn9/BDE-Capture-11.png) - Michael Steele - [[John Podesta]] - David Frum - [Rosa Brooks](https://archive.is/HpHPV) - [Deep State Radio on Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deep-state-radio/id1245002955) - [[Lawrence Wilkerson]] - [[Jennifer Granholm]] - Donna Brazile - Bill Kristol - Trey Grayson - Edward Luce - Max Boot - [Nils Gilman](https://archive.is/TbH1U) ## Davos 2024 **Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Putin Loves Money Above All** <iframe title="Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Putin Loves Money Above All" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KkDew507034?feature=oembed" height="113" width="200" style="aspect-ratio: 1.76991 / 1; width: 100%; height: 100%;" allowfullscreen="" allow="fullscreen"></iframe> [World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 | World Economic Forum](https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024/) <iframe src="https://www.weforum.org/event_player/a0P68000005lBPbEAM//sessions/a0WTG0000002E0T2AU?locale=en&lang=English&theme=light" width="100%" height="950" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <br> <iframe src="https://www.weforum.org/event_player/a0P68000005lBPbEAM//sessions/a0W68000008eh4VEAQ?locale=en&lang=English&theme=light" width="100%" height="950" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Today: [Programme > World Economic Forum Annual Meeting | World Economic Forum](https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024/programme/) %% FOOTER %% --- ![htiny|float center small](https://i.postimg.cc/kMVCGn8R/BDE-Capture-2.png) --- ## Keep Digging %%Space%% ### Tags #Stream/BDE #Davos2024 #Election2024 ### Footnotes & References